Party and Event Services in Ugu / South Coast


Best match results for party and event services in Ugu / South Coast + 5km.

    We do 3D cakes wedding cakes, corporate edible gifts, catering for functions, party platters and cupcakes. party packs and cakes for school and parties, sweet buffet tables, delicious meringues and fudge and loads of divine home baked biscuits. Read more

    Wedding Venue and Functions, Luxury Accommodation, Fine dining Restaurant, Exotic Botanical Gardens and Orchid Nursery, Fashion design and manufacturing Studio, A gentleman's paradise in the finer way of living! We are more specialized in the Colonial style of dining and living. Attention to detail is our priority. We have a beautiful Chapel picture perfect for weddings. Read more

    Accommodation for anybody attending functions along the KZN South Coast Read more

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