Party Food Suppliers - Northern Suburbs

Cape Town Metropolitan, Western Cape

Best match results for party food suppliers in Northern Suburbs + 5km.

    Catering, Food & Drinks Party Food Suppliers
    Catering, Food & Drinks Party Food Suppliers
    Catering, Food & Drinks Party Food Suppliers
    Catering, Food & Drinks Party Food Suppliers
    Catering, Food & Drinks Party Food Suppliers
    Catering, Food & Drinks Party Food Suppliers
    Catering, Food & Drinks Party Food Suppliers
    Catering, Food & Drinks Party Food Suppliers

    Are you looking for a place to rest for the night or a few hours ,well look no further.Visit our elegant and reliable guest house.We are situated no105 smartt rd vasco estate cape town. Galaxy sleep and go rooms are affordable and super clean child friendly. You can also book as a group or family. Open 24/7. Read more

    Catering, Food & Drinks Party Food Suppliers
    Catering, Food & Drinks Party Food Suppliers
    Catering, Food & Drinks Party Food Suppliers

    Other related businesses in and around Northern Suburbs

    Specialists in Picnics, Picnic Basket Catering & Outdoor Dining Experiences When was the last time you stopped…just let time drift and enjoyed a simple moment with a loved one? Today’s frantic go-getter pace makes finding that elusive “quality time” all the more difficult. Dial-A-Picnic, is offering people just that…a simple moment…time to breath. We give you a way to just slow life down, un-plug and rediscover the simple pleasures of fresh air, nature’s beauty, delicious food and great company. Read more

    We are a restaurant that is situated where the old Driftwood Cafe used to be. Come and enjoy our Pizza that's made fresh in a wood burning oven. We offer Steak, Ribs, Eisbein, Burgers all with Chips or Salad and great Breakfasts. Catering platters are all made in-house fresh, from scratch. Host your special occasion with us or ask us to quote on your function. Read more

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